Friday, May 1, 2015

Off on a tangent...

The last few months I have been re-exploring the world of leather and I have been working hard on designing and making a bag that will hold a phone, credit card/cash, keys and of course, mustn't forget the lippy! 

The bags/purses are veg-tanned leather and sewn by hand.
The idea came about because I couldn't get hold of my daughter, who was out on her scooter and she wasn't where she was supposed to be... terrifying moment for any parent. Breathe... Anyhow, after ageing over 10 years in just 10 minutes... I realised that I needed to find a way for her to always safely carry her phone with her. I have to say that there are limited options to do this when you are scooting on your scooter! It had to be lightweight and have a versatile crossover strap that could easily be adjusted. I realised pretty quickly that this would work perfectly for me too! A small bag that would carry the essentials, that looks great and would improve with age.

My daughter is animal crazy and wanted a cute critter on hers...
My daughter's bag is nearly finished. Just need to attach the straps and condition the leather and she is good to go...

I will be listing the "Scooter" bag in my shop very soon and they will be made to order.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Eye, eye...

Ok... I think that I must have set a personal record. No posts in months and then two in two days. The planets must be lined up just right. Anyway, I thought I would share what is on my workbench today. 

These are going to be made into brooches.

Eyes, lots of eyes! I am not sure when set me off but I do love the idea of protection from the "Evil Eye." I think that there are times in life when we could do with an little extra bit of protection - not necessarily from evil but from negativity. I think that when we wear charms or amulets it is a little like getting a super power. What I had in my mind for this bracelet was that wearing it gave you a sort of Wonder Woman moment - I loved her bracelets which were able to absorb or deflect anything harmful coming her way.  When wearing this bracelet you do not need to wear big blue knickers and sound effects are optional - POW! 

When wearing this bracelet sound effects are optional - POW!

This bracelet is made out of leather which I carved, stamped, dyed and painted. The eye is attached to the band with sterling silver rivets.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Well at last...

Gosh, I don't know where nearly a year has gone! I guess that I am not very good at this blogging thing! Anyway, I'm back with a bang and have lots of things to share. I have been having fun with my leather and sterling silver word bracelets and I have decided to have a giveaway. Whoop!
All you need to do it head over to my Facebook page and let me know in the comment section what your favourite inspirational word is and you could be lucky the lucky person that wins a leather and sterling silver bracelet with your very own word on it. Once I get to 100 page likes I will have my daughter  - who is going to be practising her penmanship - pull the winners name out of her cat hat.  So please like and share people!